Saturday, August 3, 2013

Brian's parents new place and Star Trek in the Park

Their new place is great. And there is a dog, Maggie.  Super cute

Star Trek was the episode of the Horta in the mines that eats rock. It turned out that it was just a mother protecting its eggs. Spock mind melded with and it was a happy ending.
 It got totally full by show time - around 250 people
 These are the mine workers
 Head mine worker talking to Kirk and Spock
 Kirk, Bones and Spock
 Bones and Kirk
 Kirk, Bones and Spock

 The Horta
Spock mind melding with the Horta while Bones goes ballistic.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! that looks so fun! I love Star Trek (as you well know). Brian's parents are adorable and I am glad they found a place.
