Monday, August 26, 2013

Other stuff

I have been working out but mostly stuck on my trainer because I have been sewing so much. Here is some front yard progress.  It looks really good. Brian does 99% of the work but I do help.

 Rooftop garden
 The plant we got to fill the bamboo void
Another one we got to fill in the front.

fianlly, I sewed for myself (for 5 minutes)

I am almost, almost done with the work for Cameron.  So far - 4 tops, shorts, pants and a jacket.  On all of them I make one from her pattern (with some fixes I have to do), she fits it, gets it re-sewed by her sample maker then I do final fixes to pattern.  Here is what I have done so far - pattern wise. I feel like I should not post the garments or drawings of them

 Each of the folders in the bag (next to the scooby doo shaped hole Kitty put in the door) is a garment
These are the patterns.

And I have been drawing. I am getting better.
 Pencil sketch
 Color added
Another one

Thursday, August 15, 2013

summary of where I have been

I have been superbusy doing pattern work and sampling for Cameron Levin.  So my own sewing is only in between. Brian has been working on my Motovista web site for his class (that will benefit me!) so I am working on that too.  My crazy dizzy stuff has gotten in the way.

I have been doing a drawing every day at lunch.  I am getting better. I will post my latest later.  These are all still rough. I am looking forward to really doing a complete one.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Brian's parents new place and Star Trek in the Park

Their new place is great. And there is a dog, Maggie.  Super cute

Star Trek was the episode of the Horta in the mines that eats rock. It turned out that it was just a mother protecting its eggs. Spock mind melded with and it was a happy ending.
 It got totally full by show time - around 250 people
 These are the mine workers
 Head mine worker talking to Kirk and Spock
 Kirk, Bones and Spock
 Bones and Kirk
 Kirk, Bones and Spock

 The Horta
Spock mind melding with the Horta while Bones goes ballistic.