Monday, January 15, 2018

running. again

Boring but at least I am doing it. Tomorrow and Wednesday I don't have to work out so I plan on sewing.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

back at it

Yesterday I did not do anything I was supposed to do.  But today I ran 5 miles. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ran 3 miles and worked on pocket

sewing started

I cannot locate the instructions so I found a pair I sewed before and will use those as a guide.  I have 3 pairs!  I blue denim, 1 cammo regular length and 1 cammo capri.  I had gained weight though and had not worn them for years. 

I started with the pockets flaps. Easy start.  I could not get those wrong. I hope.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

sewing report

I finished cutting the pants and cleaned my sewing room. Or as clean as it can be now.  I still have some work for clients I have to do before I can totally do the pants. I will try to get that job done this week.  It involves a fur coat and a man's jacket. 

Here is the pants cut and into a bag so I don't lose pieces

Here is the bag I made Jeannine for christmas. I liked it so much I made an extra set for myself I still need to put a snap on

Ride today

In the pouring rain. I wanted to try the ride across 520.  It was cool. Not a very long ride but since I ran 5 miles yesterday and am doing spin class tomorrow, I am ok with it.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

still on track

1 hour in the gym at fitness/torture class and cutting on pants.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

progress on pants and dog harmony

I started the cutting process for the new jeans.  My sewing room is a mess from dog management. But we are progressing. Please note this moment of harmony. 

Please note Mookie has stolen Ranger's mini but at least they are calm. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Lots to report

I ran 3 miles after work.

Then I finished the top.  I still can't believe how off the pattern was.  But I do like how it came out.  It will be even better once I make it with a fixed pattern.

Monday, January 1, 2018

fix to top is working

I don't see how the top could have been about 8" to narrow but the rest is ok. Agg. I will make it again but work on the pattern first. I made a panel out of the main fabric and sewed lace on it. Then I serged the edges, finished the top and sewed it in. The bottom fits exactly to the top! But if I added 8" to the top that means the pattern is wrong. Anyway, it works. I will finish it tomorrow night. Then start cutting the new jeans.