Thursday, January 31, 2013


I was going to work on the black coat last night but my client asked me to put the labels (that arrived at my house during the day) onto the hats last night then ship them today.  I am so glad I got the old tags and labels off already.  I got it done.  

But after that I rode my trainer and watched Law and Order SVU while I did it.  It was a gay, gay hating,  married to another man, male prostitute/bondage killer who - of course - was convicted.  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Black sparkly dress almost done

I just finished the lining.  I will sew it in tomorrow.  I should finish tomorrow night or Friday.  I am going to use these fabulous sparkly buttons.  The buttonholes will have to be huge.

Tuesday Morning

The black sparkly jacket is finally starting to look like a jacket. I got most of the lining together.  I need to decide if I want the inner collar the sparkly fabric (currently pinned on) or the contrast.
Tonight I want to finish the lining and get the inner collar on. And go to the gym to lift.  Whew.

Here is a little visit with Ms. Kitty.

Monday, January 28, 2013


I rode.  But I did sew by getting some time in on some piece work for Spacecraft.  And of course, I watched The Bachelor. I am glad that girl got kicked off.  I like the black girl (although her "chocolate" comment was cheesy) and the one arm girl.

I hate her now.

The lead singer from Ohio Players died today.  RIP

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Assignment from my online class

I am taking photoshop on line. This is my assignment from this lesson (4).  The original photo is on the left. I made it black and white then added color.
Now I have to sew for 30 minutes or I will get kicked off the internet by my sister.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I am going on a one day vacation with Brian so all I can do this am is work out and pack a craft to take with me.  So it is trainer, some stupid tv show and my scooter sweater. I need to get back on top of that.

Friday - minimum done

I made it under the wire Friday.  All I got in was some re-cutting for the black sparkly jacket and work area organization.  We had a bike team party after work so I did not get to do much before that and afterwards (and 3 glasses of wine at the party) I was done.

Friday, January 25, 2013


A little sewing in the morning but today was riding then watching the season premier of Project Runway.  This looks like a good season.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday - Post Beaver defeat

Damn,  beaten by the  Beavers. A team who had not won one conference game gets their first win against us. AGGG.
 I did do some work on the jacket and the facing/lining.  The pattern has issues.  I will work more on it tonight.  (This is the lining and facing, inside out.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday report

I ended up with a lightweight wool to use as the facing. And it is the same wool I used in another jacket (that was still in piles at Pacific Fabric). I am going to roll it slightly to the outside so it looks like piping and I may use it as a contrast inner collar too.

Bachelor comment - (read only if you watched it) - I felt bad for that returning girl who got kicked off but she pulled a bad move by narcing on the other two.  Totally did not get her anywhere. Huskies v. Beavers tonight on TV. I will ride, or sew or sit on my butt  while I watch it.

I predict a good night for Aziz.  He will be 70% from the line, block 5 shots and score 11 points.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday night

I had half the day off so I got alot done.  First, sleeves onto the black sparkly jacket. The pattern called for shoulder pads and I think I will use them. This fabric is wild. It is totally man-made but sort of wool like, with sparkles.  If that is possible.

I got this searsucker (3 yards) for only $5 a yard and 20% off at Pacific Fabric today. Definitely a sun dress. And I got this cute piece of valentine-ish knit.  I little Valentine skirt.

Now to ride and watch The Bachelor.

Tracing skirt pattern

First I had to print 48 pages out, then tape them together.  I was not about to cut those out into patterns- it would have taken 8 rolls of tape. So I am tracing it off onto butcher then I will make it from that.  My goal today - finish black sparkly coat and get that pattern done. I also have a 25% coupon at Pacific Fabric so I am going to get some fabric to make something Sonic's related.

I want to knit/sew a Sonic's thing

All pattern ideas accepted.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sleeves made

Not on yet but I made them. There is a facing on the end so you can wear them turned back. I also worked on making/taping/copying that skirt pattern.

From Filson

This is from a show in Barcelona we are showing at. Meanwhile, back in Seattle I am making 50 samples of each.

And now, I shall sew!

Satrurday report

I spent alot of the day working on my taxes (business and personal).  I worked a little on the skirt Mary gave me the pattern for and  a little on the black dress, nothing exciting. But I did do a full workout on my trainer.

Then I went to the game and saw the Huskies lose to a team that had not won a road game all year. Yuck. The only guy who did well was Andrew Andrews.  Our team shot around 30% an the Utes shot around 60%.

Friday, January 18, 2013


I rode then watched the Lance Interview part 1. I am so glad the popular opinion seems to be this made matters worse for him and his true colors are showing.  I wish I remembered all the people who thought I was a communist or something worse for always hating him and hoping he would lose.
On a lighter note I worked at putting the pattern to make the skirt Mary gave me the link to together.  I am going to trace it onto pattern paper after I get it taped together.  I downloaded it and it printed as 40+ sheets to tape together.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

just saw this pattern

This is the kind of dress I am thinking of for the polka dot fabric.

Updated projects

I am currently making my version of the pattern Mary hooked me up with. I see lots of possibilities here.
Current active garment is black sparkly coat.  I hope to have that done this weekend. Then a soft shell jacket out of the orange fabric. I got it at a Seattle Central Silent Auction. It is waterproof etc. Not sure exactly what it will be.  Then I have about 2 yards of each of these polka dot fabrics. I think they will be nice shirts or  dresses.

Wednesday report

Nothing exciting to report. I realized late Tuesday night I had not finished the side vent on the white shirt - which I was determined to wear. So I finished that before I went to work. I  think I need to add a bar tack or reinforcement at the top of it. I wore it anyway. The ladies at work were impressed I made it.

No sewing at night or working out because I went to a Husky game that started at 8:30 pm.  I walked out of Hec Ed at around 10:20. And I had to drive because I did not want to risk my scooter in the cold weather.

Husky Defense was on fire.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

white shirt done!

Another shirt I started about a year ago is done. This thing has been on a dress form, on the floor, on my desk etc.  I also lost the instructions at one point. I like it.  Notice the princess seams (for my small bust) and side vents (for my big ass).

Monday, January 14, 2013

Another successful night

I heard Russell Wilson say he writes 3 things down every day and works on them.  I wrote to clean a drawer (done), ride my trainer (done) and hang up laundry (will do before I go to bed).  I hate this girl on the bachelor.

I started sewing on the jacket more. Front pockets on.  Nothing major. I also got buttons for the white shirt after work.

Monday progress

So far, so good. I finished cutting out the lining for the black sparky coat and put the buttons on the reversible coat.  What is inside this bag will end up as a cool sparkly coat.  More tonight - including a work out.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Two things

Aggg. Seahawks.  Aggg.

I cut out the lining to my black sparkly dress and did some photoshop on the black jacket.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday report

I was going to finish my white shirt but I realized I needed a set of new buttons and that nothing from my stash would cut it.  I messed around with some stuff but today was mostly puttering, football and Husky basketball watching. First 3 conference games were on the road and we won all 3.  First time since 1912.

Oh, and I posted my dress timeline. That counts.


100% done

I must resist the urge to embellish more. I will post a pic of me wearing it later. I want finish the white shirt and maybe the black sparkly dress this weekend.

Friday, January 11, 2013

buttons on

I was so excited to get my buttons on (and use my new button foot) I did not space the buttonholes perfectly.  Oh well, I will just leave the top unbuttoned so you can see the cute contrast facing.  I am so excited to wear it I may but jergens bronzer on after I shower so I can start to look tan and sleeveless appropriate.

Why include the side shot? Because it is magic and my invisible zipper is there. What! Yes, there is a zipper there.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

almost done with blue dress

Buttonholes in. Buttons tomorrow using the button foot I bought last year but have not used yet.  If you look closely you can the holes under the chalk. 

Zipper finished. Can you see anything but the pull. No you can't. It's invisible bitch!