Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Blue Dress progress

What you are about to read is true - I had sparkly stuff and I did not sew in on something.  True. I said no.  This is a cool dress and the sparkly stuff on the bodice killed it. So . . . I am going to splice together blocks from the lining, bodice and skirt and make that a border at the bottom. I will add the sparkle tape to that.

It took longer to sew this together than I thought. I am actually making myself go slow and be careful. I can see how my work carries over and makes me feel like I have to do stuff fast. That is bad.  I can go as slowly as I want.

Sewing is therapy.

1 comment:

  1. I like you thoughts, Yoda. I agree, do it right and you don't need to rush.
