Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday - Post Beaver defeat

Damn,  beaten by the  Beavers. A team who had not won one conference game gets their first win against us. AGGG.
 I did do some work on the jacket and the facing/lining.  The pattern has issues.  I will work more on it tonight.  (This is the lining and facing, inside out.


  1. I think we need to have a get together, on a weekend, I want to come over and see all your stuff in person. Maybe I can bring my knitting and we can have a crafty afternoon. Wine is optional.
    I watched the last Bachelor last night - the girl with one arm annoys me, if she said "oh my gosh" one more time on their first date, I was going to puke. I did think it was cute that he brought her dog for a visit.
    The Following is very good - I like Kevin Bacon. Going to be a good show. the lady FBI agent has a weird mole on her face and I don't like looking at her. I am a bitch.

  2. also, sorry the Huskies suck the last two games, I am sure you are annoyed!
