Sunday, September 29, 2013


Seriously,I have never been at a sporting event where it rained so hard. I LOVE our seats.  Seriously, it was like watching a tv show about freak weather because we could see the rain just moving and twisting from our nice, dry seats.

Brian and I, dry and Dawg dressed

The band wore rain coats in pregame.

you can see how the uncovered fans stayed in the covers until the game started

Now the fans are seated. And that is not fog, it is freakin'  rain!

just an example of how you could see the sheets of rain

more rain sheets

and more rain sheets

a video for Jeannine.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, an excellent selfie of you and Brian. Secondly, thank goodness your seats are covered. Third, go Huskies!
